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game over

snake? snaaaaaake?

game over loser

by the second cool guy. April 24, 2020

4👍 1👎

Any word

If you are reading you are trying to be funny or just trying to be dumb

Seriously it didn’t mean take it literally

Me: I’m being forced to use any word in a sentence

by the second cool guy. April 23, 2020

Twister zone

Welcome to twister!

a game shown off by vinesauce on his windows 98 destruction stream that is famous for being loud

twister zone is loud

by the second cool guy. January 12, 2021

im out of ideas

so am i brother

so am i...

im out of ideas again!

by the second cool guy. January 11, 2021


a furry 4 legged creature that loves you(probably)

i like cats

by the second cool guy. April 2, 2020

How to type

dont ask me

how to type is to want to know how to type

by the second cool guy. January 7, 2021


falling asleep with your head on the n key


by the second cool guy. April 24, 2020

25👍 12👎