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a person either born in greece or of greek descent. fond of foods like gyros, souvlaki, tiropita, spanikopita, etc. usually most alcoholic consumption comes from ouzo. Almost all Greeks or Greek-Americans are Greek Orthodox, and have strong values on the importance of family.Most greek americans will still call their grandmother "YiaYia" and their Grandfather "Papou" Most greeks are extrememly proud of the great thinks the ancient greeks have done, such as democracy, philosophy, ancient military tactics, etc. Mostly have a strong dislike for people from Turkey, due to the several wars between the two countries. Many young male Greeks in the NYC area self identify with the Italian Guido lifestyle because of the many similarities between the two cultures (family, food, meditterranean lifesyle, pride of the cultures, etc.) with clothes like armani exchange and gelled hair. Many of these Greek guidos live in Astoria, Queens. Greek-Americans usually connect very well with other "patriotis" or fellow greeks. Some typical male greek names are Yiannis (john) Yiorgos (George) Constantinos (Gus) Xristos or Christos (Chris) and with last names that end in "os", "as", or "is". Most Greek males greatly value masculinity. All around greeks are very kind and proud people.

Anyone who has anything against Greeks is most definately a megalo malaka avlaca.

by the sleek greek August 28, 2006

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