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Harper College

(1.) A community college in Palatine, Illinois, named for William Rainey Harper - b. July 26, 1856 d. January 10, 1906 - first president of the University of Chicago. Founded 1971.

(1.) Harper College is located in Palatine, Illinois.

by the specter August 11, 2007

30πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


(1.) noun: A dictionary comprised entirely of made-up (non-standard) words; a volume of words authored by someone other than an official Dictionary authority (Webster's, Britannica, etc.).

(1.) "Joe, an amateur wordsmith, thinks his fictionary contains words worth adding to the English language."

by the specter August 18, 2007

17πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


(1.) noun - A mussed, sweaty, tangled 'hairstyle' worn by women who have just engaged in vigorous sex. (2.) noun - A woman who is not a virgin but claims to be one. From Aphrodite (Venus), the Greek goddess of lust, who was reborn from the sea as a virgin after each time she had sex.

(1.) "You should have seen Julie's hair last night after we did it. She had a total Aphro!"

(2.) "Jenny claims to never have had sex with anyone, but I think she's an Aphro."

by the specter August 5, 2007

18πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


(1.) adjective: To be more enjoyable than something else.

(1.) "We had a funner time at the dance than at the baseball game."

by the specter August 18, 2007

14πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


(1.) verb - The act of patronizing a zoo or marine park.

(1.) "What did you do in Milwaukee?"
"We went to the museum and a pub on Saturday, and spent all of Sunday zooing."

by the specter August 5, 2007

12πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


(1.) adjective - Having a human appearance or demeanor. (2.) adjective - Resembling a human or possessing human qualities.

(1.) "The statue of Diana was intricately carved and carefully detailed, giving it a humanesque appearance."

(2.) "The chimpanzee's laughs and smiles were very humanesque."

by the specter August 5, 2007


(1.) verb: To relieve oneself in a restroom, bathroom, outhouse, loo, water closet, or any similar location. (2.) verb: To urinate or defecate.

(1.) As he finished eating, Alex felt a sudden urge to bathroomize.

(2.) It is unlawful to bathroomize in public places.

by the specter August 11, 2007

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