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The Cheeseburger

A sexual move in nature, One must leave their penis unwashed for 3 weeks to ensure a bad case of Cheese on their meat. Place your Cheese infested meat in between your partners buns and you have now successfully performed The Cheeseburger

Person 1: Yo Brian how was it

Person 2: She got mad cuz i did The Cheeseburger on her

by travis sneaker allah January 11, 2021

12👍 7👎


A colloquial gang phrase originating from one of the most pretentious vicinities in Mumbai, which refers to a place where the big bitch, Dr Vandana Lallu( Big Lallu ) stares at her mirror all day. Populations originating from a vicinity such as Podar International are most likely drug addicts or spoiled rich kids( also drug addicts)

Person 1: Oh you’re from Podar International?
Person 2: Yeah

Person 1: Can i have some drugs?

Person 2: .......how many grams?

by travis sneaker allah December 16, 2020

45👍 4👎

Licks every bowl

This phrase holds unequivocal value and can be used in various ways. Originating from the Cultural land of India, this phrase was first coined when a woman was caught licking every bowl in her thaali, Nowadays it is used to to signify that a woman( or man ) simply can’t have just one, but every single one in existence.

Example 1

Person 1: bro i saw her hooking up with 7 guys last night

Person 2: she genuinely licks every bowl yaar

Example 2
Person 1: isn’t he applying to 15 universities?

Person 2: he’s licking every bowl wtf

by travis sneaker allah September 18, 2022