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jam band

Music to make your bones jitter and your hips shake. Music to make your feet move and your head sway. Music to make your beard and mind grow. A jam band manages to deliver a sense of freedom to the crowd. Jam bands free lance and improv. all while staying with each other and feeding off each others experimental energy. In a jam bands set, you'll find peices of the core song they started with, blended for your delight with a variety of instrumental solo's and always amazing percussion. jam Bands can be appreciated not only by people on drugs, but also by people who just dig music and the phases it grows through. (trust me though it's better when your high as cheese) Bands include Phish, Grateful Dead, String Cheese Incident Widespread Panic, The Allman Brothers Band,Moe, The Big Wu and other music that hints towards these areas of music.

Hey you, why do you like Jam Bands, it just sounds like noise? wheres the catchy chorus?

Hey, simple human, because in a world where most peoples spirits are being tugged from them and hidden behind bills and death, it's nice to get sucked into a spiral of warmth and energy that can make me foget i'm human for a while. Just relax and smoke this. Oh, and the catcy chorus is coming after Jerry rips it for another 10 minutes. (past tense - sorry brother, thanks for the tunes)

by twinkle moslemendo November 14, 2007

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