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The reason why I donҀ™t listen to the radio anymore

Guy 1: Wanna open the radio?
Guy2: But I fucking hate Drake

by u r gae January 8, 2019

50πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Ed Sheeran

Hotter clone of Rupert Grint who can sing

Guy 1: Have you heard the new Ed Sheeran song?
Guy 2: No
Guy 1: Well, someone is technologically retarded

by u r gae February 19, 2019

84πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž


The greatest virginity protection on 2k19, with 99% success rate

Virgin: Where can I find people to share my love of Fortnite?
Nonvirgin: The opposite direction of a vagina.

by u r gae February 19, 2019

171πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž