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Time travel

A thing that contrary to popular belief, cannot cause paradoxes. The only way you would be able to kill your grandfather would be to kill him after your father was born, in which case you never met him in the first place and that will be how it's always been. In any other case, you are physically unable to, for you will inevitably be stopped or change your mind. When you go back in time, you are only able to do what has already happened.

guy: Ima prevent (Insert unexpected disaster here) from happening
*Boom boom kapow time travel*
guy: the end is nigh!!!
people: haha crazy person

Back to the future and the umbrella academy are still great btw

by udontknowmeidontknowu April 28, 2021

Ghost tricks: Phantom Detective

A game so underrated, that it didn’t have a definition on urban dictionary until now. If you haven’t heard of it, and chances are you haven’t, stop whatever your doing and buy it or watch the 9 hour gameplay on YouTube. It deserves a higher place in pop culture. Created in 2011 by Capcom, this game was overshadowed by it’s sibling, Ace Attorney. You play as Sissel, a recently deceased spirit who wakes up with no memory and powers of the dead. These powers allow him to manifest objects and travel back in time 4 minutes before someone’s death to change their fate. The story slowly builds as Sissel seeks to find the reason for his death, and the truth of what happened.

I just finished Ghost tricks: Phantom Detective and it is a hidden Gem. What a twist, the main character was actually Redacted.

by udontknowmeidontknowu July 8, 2021

Mug Mug Mug Mug Mug


Buy a Mug Mug Mug Mug Mug Mug for your Mug, Mug

by udontknowmeidontknowu April 14, 2021