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Urban Dictionary

you’re too bored to actually search something useful up, right?

“I’m too bored so I’m gonna search Urban Dictionary on Urban Dictionary.”

by unfunny minecraft player February 4, 2020



Preschoolers: “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz“

by unfunny minecraft player February 4, 2020

2👍 2👎


never had, never will

“No one loves me.”

by unfunny minecraft player February 4, 2020

2👍 17👎


an overused name in definitions.

Definition: Bob: Ur mom gay lol Jack: no u

by unfunny minecraft player February 4, 2020


duh, the rapper

Eminem: "Guess who's back, back again"
Dude 1, watching his concert on TV: "I wish I could go to Eminem's concert."
yeah i had no idea where this was going 👍👍

by unfunny minecraft player October 4, 2022


I don’t think we can explain this here but it’s a pink phallic object.

“Hey dude, use dildos.”

by unfunny minecraft player February 5, 2020

8👍 3👎


What we are using to make these sentences to help you define the word

“Hey bro, what are we using right now”
Bro: “Words”

by unfunny minecraft player February 4, 2020

2👍 1👎