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Internet Assholes

Internet assholes are degenerates that do horrible things & are blatantly vile
This list of internet assholes includes:

People that dox, People that insult other people because they're rude, toxic gamers, furries, anti-furries, hardcore vegans such as ThatVeganteacher, racists, hardcore liberals, rude edgy teenagers/pretweens, narcissists, annoying idiots, uttp, yfga.
If you are at least one of these people, then you're a worthless massive faggot with no purpose & also fuck you. I hope you don't die of falling, but rather go through pain because of the fall, you have an expensive hospital bill & you get depression, you ugly stupid unhygienic cunt.

If didn't like this, then, I don't care that your feelings got hurt, go cry to mom about it.

Common phrases that an obnoxious Internet fag would say: "yOu'Re UsEleSs, i'M BeTtEr ThAn eVeRYonE!1!11, uWu, uR tRaSh KiD, kYs, fAtHeRLeSs, diDN't aSKed + mY COnTeNt iS BEttEr, "
Internet assholes are pathetic.

by urban dictionary is very cool April 28, 2024

Internet Assholes

Internet assholes are degenerates that do horrible things & are blatantly vile
This list of internet assholes includes:

People that dox, People that insult other people because they're rude, toxic gamers, furries, anti-furries, hardcore vegans such as ThatVeganteacher, racists, hardcore liberals, rude edgy teenagers/pretweens, narcissists, annoying idiots, uttp, yfga.
If you are at least one of these people, then you're a worthless massive faggot with no purpose & also fuck you. I hope you don't die of falling, but rather go through pain because of the fall, you have an expensive hospital bill & you get depression, you ugly stupid unhygienic cunt.

If didn't like this, then, I don't care that your feelings got hurt, go cry to mom about it.

Common phrases that an obnoxious Internet fag would say: "yOu'Re UsEleSs, i'M BeTtEr ThAn eVeRYonE!1!11, uWu, uR tRaSh KiD, kYs, fAtHeRLeSs, diDN't aSKed + mY COnTeNt iS BEttEr, "
Internet assholes are pathetic.

by urban dictionary is very cool April 28, 2024

internet asshole

Internet assholes are degenerates that do horrible things & are blatantly vile
This list of internet assholes includes:

People that dox, People that insult other people because they're rude, toxic gamers, furries, anti-furries, hardcore vegans such as ThatVeganTeacher, racists, hardcore liberals, rude edgy teenagers/pretweens, narcissists, annoying idiots, uttp, yfga
If you are at least one of these people, then you're a worthless massive faggot with no purpose & also fuck you. I hope you don't die of falling, but rather go through pain because of the fall & you have an expensive hospital, you ugly stupid unhygienic cunt.

If you didn't like this, then, I don't care that your feelings got hurt, go cry to mom about it.

Internet assholes are obnoxious faggots that no one likes.

by urban dictionary is very cool April 30, 2024

internet asshole

Internet assholes are degenerates that do horrible things & are blatantly vile
This list of internet assholes includes:

People that dox, People that insult other people because they're rude, toxic gamers, furries, anti-furries, hardcore vegans such as ThatVeganteacher, racists, hardcore liberals, rude edgy teenagers/pretweens, narcissists, annoying idiots, uttp, yfga
If you are at least one of these people, then you're a worthless massive faggot with no purpose & also fuck you. I hope you don't die of falling, but rather go through pain because of the fall & you have an expensive hospital, you ugly stupid unhygienic cunt.

If you didn't like this, then, I don't care that your feelings got hurt, go cry to mom about it.

Internet assholes are obnoxious

by urban dictionary is very cool May 2, 2024

Internet Assholes

Internet assholes are degenerates that do horrible things & are blatantly vile
This list of internet assholes includes:

People that dox, People that insult other people because they're rude, toxic gamers, furries, anti-furries, hardcore vegans such as ThatVeganteacher, racists, hardcore liberals, rude edgy teenagers/pretweens, narcissists, annoying idiots, uttp, yfga
If you are at least one of these people, then you're a worthless massive gaylord with no purpose & also fuck you. I hope you don't die of falling, but rather go through pain because of the fall & you have an expensive hospital, you ugly stupid unhygienic cunt.

If you didn't like this, then, I don't care that your feelings got hurt, go cry to mom about it.

Internet assholes are obnoxious

by urban dictionary is very cool May 3, 2024

Internet Assholes

Internet assholes are degenerates that do horrible things & are blatantly vile
This list of internet assholes includes:

People that dox, People that insult other people because they're rude, toxic gamers, furries, anti-furries, hardcore vegans such as ThatVeganteacher, racists, hardcore liberals, rude edgy teenagers/pretweens, narcissists, annoying idiots, uttp, yfga
If you are at least one of these people, then you're a worthless massive faggot with no purpose & also fuck you. I hope you don't die of falling, but rather go through pain because of the fall & you have an expensive hospital, you ugly stupid unhygienic cunt.

If you didn't like this, then, I don't care that your feelings got hurt, go cry to mom about it.

Internet assholes are obnoxious

by urban dictionary is very cool May 5, 2024

Internet Assholes

Internet assholes are degenerates that do horrible things & are blatantly vile
This list of internet assholes includes:

People that dox, People that insult other people because they're rude, toxic gamers, furries, anti-furries, hardcore vegans such as ThatVeganteacher, racists, hardcore liberals, rude edgy teenagers/pretweens, narcissists, annoying idiots, uttp, yfga
If you are at least one of these people, then you're a worthless massive faggot with no purpose & also fuck you. I hope you don't die of falling, but rather go through pain because of the fall & you have an expensive hospital, you ugly stupid unhygienic cunt.

If you didn't like this, then, I don't care that your feelings got hurt, go cry to mom about it.
Also fuck you urban dictionary if you don't let me post this

Internet assholes are obnoxious

by urban dictionary is very cool May 7, 2024