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a stoner is some one that gets so fucking happy from finding out that someones coming over to their house with weed to smoke em up they feel high before they smoke, and run around in a panic to find the steamrooler or the BONG.

james-click.... HOLY FUCK
james-dude guess what
james-what u mean what someones comin over with jibba jibba!
kahmen-HOLY FUCK get the bong. dude you know what i feel high off life right now haha
james- me to

beep beep

lets go get fucked up
god damn were fuckin stoners.

stoners are people that when they run outta cerial they eat crackers and milk and watch pinapple express and fall asleep alot during the day and never get up before 12. so whatever think what you want

by we fight about the tape April 5, 2009

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