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your feelings is when you get all emotional about somthin. about a female or something that is not key to your survival in life.

say yo, you need to check that brawd. i no you wanna get married and she loves you but you cant be gettin all in your feelings comin over here. take that shit to yo house fool.

say man hes dead. aint nothing you can do hommie. its dun. they shot him and hes dead. no need to go gettin in your feelings about it. lets just go cap them fools that killed shugi.

by who dat January 10, 2005

85πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž


la pistola aka pistol. you call it that cuz you got sumthin hot for them.

"say fool, you gotcher heater on you?"

"dont leave home with out it"

by who dat January 9, 2005

9πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

say hello to my little friend

its a quote from the movie scarface which has become poular amoung people to say when they do things like expose thier penis or pull out a gun, or a baseball bat, a chainsaw, flip someone off, etc.
it is a way to imitate the persona of tony montana.

you girlfriend cheated on you and she dont know you know and you pull out a small sword and say hello to my little friend before you plunge it into the back of her skull as you "finish up" doggystyle.

by who dat January 23, 2005

116πŸ‘ 245πŸ‘Ž


its what you say in a game of dominoes when you lay a bone down for 10 points.
see also ten-derloin steak and gravy, ten-nis shoe, be ten-der, ten-t tha dos on my cadilac, you better ten-d to that fire, ten stiches in his britches, ten-d them wounds, the ten-sion builds and my personal favorite pay a-ten-tion

play a game of bones with me and you will see.

by who dat January 23, 2005

10πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž


1) when sumone steals your cd player out your car.
2)when sumbodee talks down on someone cuz they are doin good or got sumthin.
3) what cops do when you have long hair and tats or you fit the discription that dosen't resemble a non-stereotyped image.

1) man them haterz just got my stereo again. there are gonna be mad when they find out its a duraband.
2)look at that punk. man he thinks hes hot cuz he got a clean ride. sumbodees gonna jack him (like me)
3)you dont have any illeagle weapons or drugs in your vehicle do you?
no officer i dont do drugs and my weapons are all leagle and unloaded with a lock on them. i think you are profilin me cuz i got long hair.

by who dat January 22, 2005

32πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž

grave digger

one who diges up graves and has sex with dead people. usually they enjoy going down on them first and then having sex with them. any time you see someone taking flowers into the grave yard watch out.

what you think just because shes dead we should just break up er somethin?

you think your fresher than her?
so she dont move around, so she dont talk a lot shes still fun to be around. your just prejudice. your prejudice against dead people.

by who dat November 7, 2004

10πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


golf is, if you notice, a seperate category from sports when you go to define your world link on urban dictionary. see for yourself. golf is not a sport. its for old men who cant do anything to active any more because they suffer from oldtimers. any one young that plays has a gay name like "tiger" woods. that name just places in your mind the sound of a tiger snarling(dosent it???). what are the chances that you are going to get a tiny ball in a whole over a couple a hundred yards away? then you get your fat lazy butt on an electric cart and tote your blueblood my poop dont stink and i am rich did i mention i am rich self over to the ball and try to make it in the whole. young people that play this just need an excuse to hang out with the boss or someone that they are trying to see how much brown they can possibly get on there nose.

i need to go wash my balls.

by who dat November 9, 2004

159πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž