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Drunk Plans

When shit does not work out as planned so you go with the flow after getting pissed up at the bar.

Slobodan waited for the call to go to the club later. His Drunk Plans changed after his homies said fuck Hamilton we going to Toronto!!

by will bitten August 20, 2017

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Tat Knuck

A person who has letters tattooed on their knuckles that may or may not form a word.

This Tat Knuck fuck was making my Shwarma and I saw Love and Hate on each hand. Dude decide.

by will bitten April 14, 2018

Going Cosby

When someone places roofies in women's drinks.

"Did you hear what happened to those 2 chicks. Yeah some dude was Going Cosby on their drinks!"

by will bitten December 3, 2016

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Music Crouton

A person who only sticks to listening to one type of music and is reluctant to anything new therefore their taste is stale.....like a crouton.

Dude #1 "Hey Man have you heard the new Drake?!"
Dude #2 "Drake's a FAAAAG!!! Sabbath rules!!"
Dude"1 "You're such a Music Crouton!"

by will bitten January 9, 2018

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Werewolf's Dick

When pubic hair runs all along the shaft of some dude's dick resembling that of a Werewolf and/or some other hairy animal.

Don was stripped down naked when he passed out at the party around 12am. Everyone was laughing at his Werewolf's Dick.

by will bitten March 22, 2017

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Rephrase yourself

When someone is talking shit and needs a reality check.

Mark was spewing garbage about shit he knew nothing about . Dude you need to Rephrase Yourself.

by will bitten August 19, 2017

Tip of the Pope's Hat

When your anus is preparing to shit and you ever so slightly begin crowning the turd head.

A magnificent log was percolating while I sat on the throne. Suddenly the Tip of the Pope's Hat had breached my rectum.

by will bitten September 6, 2017

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