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If you shit on my day, you're a nigger. If you treat me any less than a human being you're a nigger.

This erases all racial stands. This won't and will not be used towards someone based on the color of your skin. If you do use it against some one of a darker skin tone then that only makes you a nigger 🤷

Fuck you, nigger

by world Peace February 11, 2022

wild rabid zombie horses

Said to explain that your so in love with someone to whom you can't speak of in public. comes from the phrase 'wild horse couldn't take me away from you'

"The photo copier is not working properly can you please help me fix it?"..replies "wild rabid zombie horses peter"....you'd do anything to spend five minutes with this person.

by world Peace April 10, 2017


Republican Idiots Assfucking America

devil worshippers who want your money

by world Peace September 20, 2003

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