Source Code

Jillians Brew

A mixture of kool-aid, various brands and kinds of alcohol, lemonade mix, blue jell-o, lots of sugar and whipped cream with pineapple and cherries on top.

The contents are then dyed a dark blue colour and served. It is known that this drink was made by Jillian as a tribute to the song A Rich Shade of Blue by Class of 3000 which was one of the songs that center around Eddie. This was given to Maggs and Dvstroyaa by her as a joke but everyone ended up liking it and ate it during their daily viewing.

Person 1: “Mmm I think Ill have some Jillians Brew tonight and serve some for everyone!!! Itll be so good.”
Person 2: “Well here goes… Im willing to try it.”

by yayyyyy me! July 15, 2022


5396 is possibly the most well known wev among the Class of 3000 community. It is roughly 7 seconds long and dates back to January 19, 2007 at around 8:15pm. It starts with someone recording on their phone in abysmal quality in what is assumed to be a doctor's office waiting room. Someone with the name of 'Johnson' gets called before the audio cuts. The phone is picked up and zooms into Madison Spaghettini Papadopoulos from Class of 3000. The video ends.

Person 1: "Wow it's January 19!"
Person 2: "What does that mean?"
Person 1: "It's the 14 year anniversary of 5396!"

by yayyyyy me! March 15, 2021


4778 is a new wev from the Sisters In Lawrence. Specifically the Five Points gather. It dates back to some time estimated to be during the summer of 2021. The wev was quick to spread cause of what it was of. It starts with a lady with vibrant scarlet dyed hair whos assumed to be either Jillian {because of the piercings} or Maggs {because of the hair} wearing a mask and is holding something large underneath her arm pit. She is obviously on a metro and it looks to be night. This is confirmed to be the truth since she immediately upon starting to record says ‘This bitch empty, finna be the only time i’m a do this.’ She sits down. The camera angle changes to reveal her Eddie body pillow next to her. She makes a peace sign at the camera while hugging it. The video ends.

Person 1: “Have you watched 4778 yet?”
Person 2: “Yeah I hope it doesnt end up on a cringe compilation!!!”

by yayyyyy me! January 21, 2022


Someone who brags about being fully vaccinated, And belittles people who aren't.

1: "Ewww! All these people without a mask, I bet they're not even vaccinated like me! I'm so much better than them."
2: "You're such a vaxxhole, 1."

by yayyyyy me! March 15, 2021

49👍 8👎

Dog shot

To be hit real hard in the back of the head....

Person 1: *hits person 2 in back of head, Dog shot* I like ya cut g
Person 2: This is why you don’t have any friends

by yayyyyy me! March 25, 2021

41👍 9👎


An acronym for Send Me This. When someone wants a video that you posted somewhere else where they can't manually save it or screen record.

Person 1: {posts a video on their snapchat story}
Person 2: {swipes up} "LMAO! Please SMT!!"

by yayyyyy me! March 15, 2021

Class faction

A Class faction is a subfandom of the Class of 3000 community and fandom.

There are general class of 3000 fans and class factions; Which are always by character.
known factions are listed by size.
Eddie stans
Madison stans
Kim stans
Tamika stans
Kam stans

Person 1: "Are you a general stan or are you in a class faction?"
Person 2: "I'm a Kim stan!"

by yayyyyy me! March 16, 2021