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hot water cornbread

A southern delicacy that is simple to make, and makes a great addition to any meal. Ingredients include sugar, salt, bacon fat, corn flour, and of course, some hot, boiling-ass water. Grannies and Nannies tend to make the best batches.

Thanksgiving at Granny's house was the shit! She had some of the best hot water cornbread I've eaten all year!

by yo-yo baiter June 16, 2007

27👍 10👎

My Dick

A rap song by Mickey Avalon, that brags about the wonders of a large dick, and degrades those unfortunate enough to have a small, otherwise useless pecker.

My dick: cost a late night fee
Your dick: got the HIV

My dick: like an M16
Your dick: broken vending machine

My dick: sick and dangerous
Your dick: quick and painless

by yo-yo baiter June 22, 2008

431👍 152👎

pig teeth

A man or woman who only has 2 teeth in their mouth, both on the bottom part of the gums, and both of which resemble tusks from a boar's mouth.

That chick at the club was lookin' hot til' i made her laugh and she flashed those butt-ugly pig teeth.

by yo-yo baiter June 16, 2007

17👍 4👎