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a fucking loner who has no friends and needs some so they download discord and make many friends all over the world and if your younger than 13 you lie about your age so your accpted in the world of discord and your lie that homework is shit and that you hate HSC but you really know nothing about it. So bascially your a person who needs friends

person1: So i guess no one wants to be my friend!

*downloads discord*
person1: oh my gosh i have so many friends that think im 17 but im really 10

by your mum is gae haha nou September 11, 2019

122👍 32👎


a smart person who is good at everything and if they get a b on maths their parents whip them with a belt. You have never seen and dumb asian, trust me, and all asians are successful

person 1: wow congrats u got 99% of your test congrats!!!
asian: wtf i failed my parents are going to kill me! I FAILED MY MATHS TEST
person 1: wtf is wrong with you

by your mum is gae haha nou September 11, 2019

2👍 8👎