Source Code


Good people lmao

Damn I wanna suck of a "N-Word"

by ~AssBlastingBitchloid~ June 4, 2022


A cool small developer on roblox.

ISipOxiclean is a preety good developer!

by ~AssBlastingBitchloid~ April 4, 2021

Roblox Girlfriend Or Boyfriend

A person you dated online in roblox.

Most likely dating your grandma.

You: Im breaking up with you

Roblox Girlfriend or boyfriend: NOOOO
You: Yeah lol you fucking wierd
*Then you hear your uncle crying down stairs"

by ~AssBlastingBitchloid~ April 26, 2021

23👍 3👎


A fairly new disney movie in 2021, made by shitty people and has a shitty story

Encanto sucks ass

by ~AssBlastingBitchloid~ June 4, 2022

3👍 6👎


Worlds largest penis owner,

His Pubic hairs are so long, that they have gained Conscience and sentience and can rip pussy apart like a lawnmower.

When he urinates, he can flood a whole village.

His cock his so big he has turned into it.

His balls are so juicy and fat they can be used as basketballs and beanbags.

He has fucked every woman and man straight in the ass, making them all his bitch.

Larry is so hot he makes my asshole wet.

by ~AssBlastingBitchloid~ October 16, 2022



A retard who sits on his ass all day looking up random ass words on the urban dictionary jacking off all day to these shithole definitions.

Jimmy; “Hey dumbass!”
You; “I’m not a dumbass!”
Jimmy; “Yes you are, Dipshit!”

by ~AssBlastingBitchloid~ October 1, 2022