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Grammar Nazi

One who uses refined vocabulary, correct grammar, constantly finds themselves correcting grammar and spelling (in forums, chatrooms, tumblr, YouTube, etc.)

First, you have your mild GNs, they're much kinder and respectively tell you about your grammar/spelling that is incorrect.

Then there's your experienced GN, they're much harder on you and constantly browse through pages to reply to people who have terrible grammar and spelling form.

Finally, there's the hardcore GN, only they have earned the right to sPELL liKe thisss and still be refined, respected, not a asshat GN like most internet GN are. They usually reply with a simple correction and move on.

If people's verbal words could be seen like they were typed:
'omg your gay'
"What about my gay?"

randomanon101: lol that coment was so funny. your all so silly.
Grammar Nazi: *comment *you're

by ~Nana~ April 1, 2013

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