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iron cello

A variation on the donkey punch, utilizing a baseball bat in place of the traditional fist.

Girl: "I woke up with a terrible migraine and a sore ass. I think someone did the iron cello on me last night."

by this one time at band camp July 16, 2010

Cello (Playing The)

The act of clasping a large person between your thighs while a third party rubs their posterior with their 'pink bow'.

"Cello (Playing The)"
Playing the cello
Having wood between your legs

by straight styrchnine December 8, 2008

pocatello cello

An act as you stand behind your partner with one hand on the neck, reaching around and strumming the junk as if you are playing a cello...with a 2# tater stuffed up their ass

Man, my fingers are tired from playing Bach on the Pocatello cello last night.

You think your fingers are tired? My asshole made mashed taters and gravy from that concert.

by MasterBlaster7 September 30, 2022

pocatello cello

An act as you stand behind your partner with one hand on the neck, reaching around and strumming the junk as if you are playing a cello...with a 2# tater stuffed up their ass

Man, my fingers are tired from playing Bach on the Pocatello cello last night.

You think your fingers are tired? My asshole made mashed taters and gravy from that concert.

by MasterBlaster7 September 30, 2022

Pocatello cello

Grab your partner by the neck, then reach over with your free hand and play with their junk as if plucking a cello...while having a 2 lb potato stuffed up their ass.

Cellist: Man my fingers are tired from playing that Bach concerto on the Pocatello cello last night!

Cello: Your hands are tired? How you think my asshole feels after shitting out 2 1/2 lbs of taters and gravy?

by MasterBlaster7 October 4, 2022

clammy cello

The sexual act of having anal sex with a femal whilst sitting in a chair, playing with her vagina with your right hand and her nipple with your left hand, the left hand reaching around the back to play with the far side nipple. This must be done with the female on the males lap, her facing outward.

I fucked a musician last night and decided to give her a clammy cello.

by Coup March 11, 2014