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National FaceTime your crush day

Today june 11th is the day you FaceTime your crush!

Me: Heyy, you know what today is?

Crush: no?

Me: its national FaceTime your crush day! So you are my crush!

by Jenne June 11, 2022

Facetime and Clash

You Facetime someone well playing Clash royal

Jared: Hey Wanna Facetime and Clash
James: Sure

by 5starSkills May 5, 2017


A slang often used in Chicago or "ChiRaq" which means to get shot in the head multiple times. Gang members often put apple stickers on drum magazines, to symbolize "getting facetimed"

ChiRaq Nigga 1: On Foe Nem grave that nigga Tyrone wont stop talking shit!

Chiraq Nigga 2: Lets go facetime him!

by VB5700 March 24, 2018


To smoke a blunt to the face and absolutely not sharing in a predetermined manner.

Let me know when yall make up your mind i just rolled a blunt and its Facetime.

by D$H_Irie April 1, 2021


Slang term for rough oral sex between to gay bros.

Mike: “Hey bro, guess what time it is? FaceTime! Hit your knees bro!”

Ricky: “Ok bro! I’m down!”

*Two seconds later* gaawwwgg gawww guhhggg

by Tosser of Salads August 14, 2022

National get Naked on FaceTime da

On every December 28 the person your on FaceTime with has to get naked and do a little dance.

Boy: yo it’s December 28 National get naked on FaceTime day you know what that means
Girl: yeah I know what day it is *gets naked*

by Chrisfromclt December 29, 2021