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Genshin impact oder

Someone in a game that randomly says that your brother is a genshin impact order in a city game in Roblox

Your probably a genshin impact oder

by Roblox city gamer October 24, 2022

Her, wirf Hirn Vom Himmel. Oder steine haupsache Herr trift

Lord, throw so brains from the heavens. (Or stones as long as he hits his mark)

1: Hitler was okay
2:Her, wirf Hirn Vom Himmel. Oder steine haupsache Herr trift

by Lord Mj May 26, 2022

Zach Oder

Dwarf boy who likes touching mens thighs. He enjoys being rubbed. He wants Lou Williams up his ass. He gives chipmunk head. He looks like a chode. Zach is the next Effron. Zach Oder is the smartest chipmunk I've ever seen.

Zach Oder wishes he could marry Aiden.

by Lil Pey Pey May 10, 2019