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punk ass bitch mother fucker

A punk ass whom is a total mother fucker and acts like a Bitch.

I hate that punk ass bitch mother fucker!!

That punk ass bitch motherfucker is goin' downa shore again?!?!

by Joe UsedtoSkate August 10, 2006

150๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

punk ass trick ass mark

people who're dumbasses!!! And annoying ass hell, and have a shitty attitude
a term of endearment to your friends

Shut the hell up, ya punk ass trick ass mark!

Sup man! Ya punk ass trick ass mark! (HAHAHA)

by WhateverzClever July 24, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

candy-ass-punk-ass kid

from the latin word: candius-punkus kid

those punk kids who ride their little bikes around your town/neighborhood and think they're cool but are assholes

"Oh my God, look at that candy-ass-punk-ass kid and his friends, ridin' around like they own the damn place"

by chica_pueblita June 15, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ass Punk

When a man is sodmized.

George Bush was ass punked by Dick Cheney.

by PrimordialWarlock November 28, 2008

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ass Punk

A person that is the side-kick to a bully

Jessica is Brittneys ass punk becasue she's too stupid to think for herself.

by The Lady Rowan July 20, 2016


a punk that just so happnes to be a ass and a bitch who likes pussy but he is still an ass who listens to niggas to much.

Girl:You get on my fuckin nerves.
Girl:You punk-ass-bitch-ass-pussy-ass-nigga! **walks off**

by Channell May 4, 2006

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Ass Punk

Someone who is recognizable but doesn't really matter.

Giovanni Ribisi is an ass punk. We all know who he is but his characters never really matter.

by Ogadaw Mack January 18, 2020