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quid pro quo

somethin Donald trump has be he says he doesnt and is gettin impeached because of it because hes a assbitch that will go to hell.

quid pro quo

by watsupyall November 22, 2019

Status quo Joe

Post Trump President who's not going to change anything

I voted for Status quo Joe

by EricIvan November 9, 2020

Quaid Pro Quo

Trading your wife for one 10 years young.

I am thinking of trading my 2nd wife in for a new model, filing for divorce under Quaid Pro Quo. This next one, I'm talkin' Jonbenet hot!

Trump was accused of Quaid Pro Quo when he banged a younger pornstar instead of his angry wife Melanoma.

by PornGold November 21, 2019

Quid bro quo

an unspoken agreement to repay a favor from one bro to another.

Something for something amongst bros

We can have a quid bro quo about the matter.

by Phatpussyhex April 20, 2020

Quo quo

quo quo
Probably the most amazing human being to have ever walked this earth. She is everything you want her to be. She makes you smile, makes you laugh, Her hair is the synonym of perfection. She makes every little things in life worth doing cuz when you are with her, the whole world stops turning and you can't do nothing more than just enjoy the moment. She has this way of making your life so much better you don't even know if you can live without it anymore. Even this fucking paragraph means nothing compared to what she can make you feel toward her. She trully is the definition of happiness cuz you really know what's up when she is around. She is a goddess walking among humans. She is perfect.

Me:hey mate wanna hang out
Friend: naaa I’m with quo quo

by Clooodia December 6, 2021

stratos quo

the way things are in the big leagues

Jeff Bezos changed the stratos quo by giving all his money to charity instead of keeping it and re-investing it to make more

by Mrs Mrs Mrs November 16, 2022