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1. the team that is going to win the Superbowl

Person #69: "I know the bengals are gonna win"

by evan peters wifey mama February 13, 2022

AuRa Bengal

A man who loves boys and loves having gay sex with men

AuRa Bengal is a man’s gamertag on Xbox live

by BraddyDaddy69 June 23, 2022

Bengal Tigered

The act of gaining the non-romantic affections of a person who is difficult to win over by slowly wearing away their defenses through charm.

“It’s like he’s a kid at the zoo and he’s never seen a bengal tiger before”

“Dude, you totally bengal tigered him; he’s obsessed

by Bengal tiger keeper September 4, 2022

Bengal Lancer


he passed away from a touch of Bengal Lancer..

by thecleaner August 26, 2022