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french foreplay

When you pretend to be French by chewing on your partner's penis like a fresh baked baguette.

My partner and I perform French Foreplay, it's far more romantic.

by Pittycent March 11, 2023

Frigid foreplay

When your girlfriend caresses your penis with her freezing cold fingers to warm them up.

Joe: What do you call an Eskimo handjob?
Mike: What?
Joe: Frigid foreplay.

by 500ToothDinasar October 11, 2023

Fort Mac Foreplay

When you and a member of opposite sex work on the same greasy mechanical project before hooking up. Mingling the same greasy hands on one anothers body.

When you leave a hand print on her ass after a little Fort Mac Foreplay, it's not red from snacking it. It's black.

by Tomalomasarus January 10, 2021

Date Foreplay

Multiple chats, often laced with sexual innuendo, between two individuals prior to a face-to-face encounter.

The date foreplay between me an that girl from Tinder has been smokin'. I can't wait to meet her.

by Tbird58 November 28, 2022

Ping Pong Foreplay

When 2 guys are kissing on the same girl but trying to pass the girl off to the other. Neither want to fuck her.

I watched these guys play ping pong foreplay all night with a drink bitch neither was interested in fucking

by Marsha69 February 11, 2020

cereal foreplay

Cereal Foreplay is where one man stretches the asshole of the other man and uses his asshole as a cereal bowl (pouring milk in then cereal and slurping it out with Fecal Matter)

A: Wanna Try Cereal Foreplay Tonight

B: Nah were outta milk

Cereal Foreplay is one of the greatest kinks i have.

by Cereal Fucker October 12, 2017

uber foreplay

When you take care of all the fore play in the uber. So as soon as you hit the front door, dick's out.

You're dicks for making me drive back drunk, when I could have driven everyone dt sober and not been part of your uber foreplay back to Danielle's.

by DanMaster86 February 12, 2016