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exercise intolerance

The condition that people with fibromyalgia claim they have that prevents them from engaging in physical activities that have been shown to significantly help their "disease."

Joyce: Because of exercise intolerance, I cannot workout for more than 10 minutes.
Billy: Hmmmmm, are you sure? Or is it because you weigh 300 pounds? You know Joyce, I know of a really good water aerobics class.

by PsyDawg July 1, 2015

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Capsaicin Intolerant

a pussy

jim - "yo did you hear that critikal is Capsaicin Intolerant?"
dave - "nah he just a pussy"

by crazy gravy December 23, 2020

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the intolerant left

A term used to describe people who call out bigoted views such as racism, sexism or homophobia. Often used in an attempt to showcase hypocrisy; however this usage leaves out the disparity between tolerance of inborn characteristics and tolerance of advocacy for violence against / exclusion of minorities. See Karl Popper's Paradox of Tolerance for more information.

Conservative: I just got banned from that trans forum by the intolerant left because I called one of them a slur removed. So much for the tolerant left!

by Blurred Night June 27, 2022

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Bull Shit Intolerance

Being figuratively allergic to the incessant lieing of individuals that are obviously making blatant falsehoods.

In other words: Knowing a bullshitter and his or her bullshit when you see it and effectively showing your dislike of said bullshit and or bullshitter.

Guy: I never dated that nasty whore.

Girl: -Sneezes-

Guy: You okay?

Girl: -Laughs- Oh I'm fine, I just suffer from a very serious case of Bull Shit Intolerance.

by Cowboy Lady February 13, 2010

the lactose intolerant friend

The friend that never shuts the fuck up about being lactose intolerant. This friend more than likely isnt even really lactose intolerant. This type of friend manages to mention that they're lactose intolerant in every conversation.

Friend 1: "Do you guys want snacks for the party?"
Lactose Intolerant Friend: "As long as there is no cheese. Remeber I'm lactose intolerant?"
Friend 2: "Wow, you're definitely the lactose intolerant friend."

by MMMmonkeys March 5, 2021

lactose intolerance

lactose intolerance is actualy LackToastAndTallIsnt that means lack of toast and less tall

You didn't have toast this morning your lactose intolerance

by Ladzam Zhaaq YUdiktionori November 12, 2021

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Crak-tose intolerant

To possess a profound inability to withstand; or endure the company; or be in the presence of a meth-amphetamine user, more commonly known as a crackhead.

"What up?"
"I've just been to the quacks to find out why I want to run every SECOND CUNT OVER & my test results have come back in"
"I've tested positive for being Crak-tose intolerant"
"Yeah righto, that makes sense"

by Shirley Gassy December 4, 2022