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Kerr Hanson

That dumb Asian bitchhhhh who taught spanish. She couldn't even speak it right.

Kid: *gets up to throw paper away*

Kerr hanson: "WRITE ME A NOTE."

by I hate Kerr hanson March 21, 2019

Charles Kerr

A boy that has none or very small amounts of pubic hair.

"hahahaa that boys a real Charles Kerr lol"

by qwertyuiopqwaszx November 21, 2011

Nick kerrs

black creatures that harm ur digital footprint

Guy 1: i auditioned for a job at subway & they kicked me out
Guy 2: tf why
Guy 1: all cus of these damn nick kerrs
Guy2: damn

by Gnomiga September 3, 2023

Tristan Kerr

An extremely athletic person, maybe a tennis player, who often bails on his friends to go play Strip-IJ. He often tells people he has all summer with one person and the rest of his life with another group.

My friend Rick is being a real Tristan Kerr right now.

by calebcabinets October 18, 2023

Snoopy Kerr

Long legged spreader of dairylea snacks and ham fetishes. Will dance for money, and rap on cue, Can often be found frequenting local chip shops asking for free pop and crisps

"I'm not asking for any more free stuff!!, What do you think I am..a snoopy kerr??

by Polshop September 4, 2009

Kerr Mackay

Smells funny

that Kerr Mackay smells funny lol

by dgdfgdfgb October 7, 2020