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lah lah

Slang word for marijuana

Lyric from the song ‘Can’t Nobody Hold Me Down’ by puff daddy (Diddy) and mase

Puff daddy: Mase will you please stop smoking lah lah
Mase: Puff why try I’m a thug imma die high

by DaffyDuckler April 9, 2019

Lah or la

Means lad or lass

Yo lah or la wys
Nothing la or lah I’m chilling

by That adhd cr@ckhead May 14, 2024

down lah

Another word of saying well done sarcastically

Bob: I failed my test
Bob's Mom: down lah

by Kys ur Mother dir April 10, 2017

Lah Ku

He’s a typical guy that you’d usually see roaming around. Everyone probably knows him as a cute guy but when you do get to know him, he’s a different typa man. He plays sport but not just any specific sport, just all of them. He’s a cool dude overall and is probably one of the most absent minded people you’ll come across, he doesn’t quite get things easily. Tends to have a respectable manner and a natural sense in talking to people.

Bro Lah Ku’s on demontiming, Did you just see him spike on Kaleb?!

Lah is working really hard to make sure that she doesn’t worry.

by DriftMasterRicky November 21, 2021

dog lah

one who uses the word lah and is considered cool. this is simply a slang in which teenagers call other teenagers in the need to look cool and different.

boy 1: ' i had a good night. what about you dog lah'
boy 2: ' Yeah dog lah, mine was good too man'

by tbarbro69 April 13, 2011


Daft; a version of doolally, after the 19th century British army sanatorium in Deolali, India.

Ever since the frontal lobotomy, he's been a bit doo-lah-lally.

by Urban Joew October 12, 2018