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Limp Dick Warrior

Limp Dick Warrior has 3 meanings

1. Somebody who is a complete pussy and this stops them from having any fun and enjoying themselves

2. A person who is incredibly annoying and acts like a dick constantly

3. A proud virgin

“Nah Mason won’t come out tonight he’s being a limp dick warrior

“I can’t stand jack at all he’s such a limp dick warrior

“Oh no Tommos still a virgin he’s a limp dick warrior”

by Jakey (Tonic The Seshhog) May 30, 2020

Limp Dick Offensive

I want to make one called "The limp dick offensive"
When a guy can't get it up in bed and you tell all his friends then post something on urban dictionary about it

Damn! You must have been pissed about the wet offensive to pull a limp dick offensive

by whodoyouthinkstoopid April 29, 2011