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The best player in Call of Duty, and can get any lady's dm's.

He is hot. Memeulous is hot.

by 6upset December 29, 2021


An absolute weapon of a man.
Has a youtube channel but most people know about him from his prostitution career.

Likes shagging neeks like ImAlexx.
Doesnt Support spitting on the poor

Memeulous is an absolute god of a man and makes my pickle tickle.

by Big George Memeulous December 7, 2020


Guy who bullies kids over the internet

Though he has not showed his face, I can tell by his voice that Memeulous is a sexy beast! (Hook me up plz)

by Twitter: EmiliaO May 24, 2018


A youtuber that roasts little kids for no reason

Guy1: Has that alpha male, memeulous taken the piss out of anybody yet?
Guy2: Nope

by Joshstar95 YT January 2, 2020