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Mesa Redonda

Polite way of referring to a booty call. In some instances it may confuse the recipient due to the possible differences in language, however, this may be beneficial. Be sure to use it to your advantage.

Usually applied to fellow classmates.

Why would you turn in your mesa redonda to that guy? He has no swag

by GLUMBRE August 6, 2011

West Mesa

A shitty school in Albuquerque that keeps getting shot up because the dean is too busy paying for Weight watchers to afford 2 security guards. (yes, I'm talking about you, Jackie.)

Compa, did you hear about the West Mesa shooting today?
Which one?

by fuckwmhs2024 April 16, 2024

what the mesa

Used in Austin Texas by 5 year olds in Spanish Emersion to say "what the hell"

What the mesa is going on

by testingForTheBesting December 9, 2022

Friends of Serra Mesa Library

A sociable organization that's an awesome place to volunteer and make friends while getting the best deals on books. Common misconceptions of being mean, conniving, rude and extremely well-read (this part is true and makes them dangerous).

Friend 1: Let's contribute to society and volunteer for Friends of Serra Mesa Library

Friend 2: Can I just support by buying their books and throwing money at them?

Friend 1: Yes.

by SMFOL November 23, 2021