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The trauma experienced after losing an election. Post Election Loss Trauma (PELT).

He lost the election and could not accept the results. He headed to court challenging the results and still says to this day he won. He is suffering from PELT - post election loss trauma.

by Betainvestor1 April 6, 2023


PELT - post election loss trauma. Experienced when one cannot get over losing an election. Sometimes, many years after, claims still made of having won.

He lost the election. However, as he is suffering from PELT - post election loss trauma, he still goes around saying he actually won, even after many court cases saying the contrary.

by Betainvestor1 April 6, 2023

Amber Van Pelt

She is a loving 21 year old girl who dreams of being a surgeon. Her best friend is Zoe LaVerne. Her birthday is February 21.

Amber Van Pelt is a queen.

by October 23, 2020

Amber van pelt

Amber van pelt is an amazing girl who inspires people to do nice things!.She is a huge insparation!
Follow my account:@vanpeltsboo

Somone:Whos amber van pelt?

Me:My queen duh

by 𝖻 𝖾 𝗅 𝗅 𝖺 November 10, 2020

Pushing pelt

In the process, or implying getting absolutely obliterated with your buddie.

Hey John, are we pushing pelt tonight?

by J Charbs November 3, 2023