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Yung S'Mores

When a young kid poops his pants and the Hersey squirts harden on their legs

I think that kid is Yung S'Mores

by Yung Hotdawg December 13, 2021

S'more whored

A threesome of one person sandwiched between two whores.

"Last night, Randy got s'more whored."

(One person handled his front; one person handled his back. Randy was the marshmellow between two graham crackers.)

by Dick Lea January 18, 2011

Rusty S'mores

You start by fisting a handful of mini marshmallows into her Rusty Sheriff's Badge followed by a pounding sesh where you whip up a nice batch of Santorum. Next, have her push the contents of her Prison Wallet out onto a few graham crackers you've placed on the ground for her.

Becky's Fart Box was sounding like a Queef Chapel last night while we were whipping up a batch of Rusty S'mores under the moonlight.

by Mike Oxstiff January 9, 2023


The act of both shitting and jizzing at the same time

Eat my s'more
I just s'mored

by CrispyPoopshoot June 29, 2015


The act of ejaculating in an anus

My man and I did anal and I asked to S'mored.

by Somdin Bwok May 11, 2018

Mexican S'more

Take the girl to taco bell, so that a few hours later she will have diarrhea. When she begins to shit, you fuck her in the ass, and then cum. She then shits on a graham cracker and proceeds to eat it

Tom: "Hey fam, did you tap dat ass yesterday?"
Joey: "Yeah! Trisha and I made a Mexican s'more last night"
Tom: "How did it taste?
Joey: "Shitty, but spicy like taco bell"

by The Pocket Pussy February 21, 2016

Dumpster S'mores

When your life is a dumpster fire, but you make the most of it anyways by making something delicious out of it.

Bob lost his job and his wife left him, but now he's got tons of free time for video games. Bob is the king of dumpster s'mores.

by Visjar September 4, 2018