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Lemon Snowstorm

The act of urinating during the process of ejaculating, often performed during sex.

Dude, I was fucking this chick last night and I gave her the gnarliest Lemon Snowstorm!

by ThunkerofThinks May 4, 2018

Puerto Rican Snowstorm

When you spin a sports ball on the tip of your penis at the same time as ejaculation.

Joe: Yo did you see the soccer game last night?
Hunter: Yea, I was so happy we won that I treated myself with a Puerto Rican Snowstorm.
Joe: Sounds fun.

by leverr July 27, 2022

asian snowstorm

A snowstorm where the expected accumulation is 1-3"

Him: Hey have you heard about the storm coming this weekend?

Me: Yeah but it's just supposed to be an Asian snowstorm so I'm not too worried

by mrtucker February 1, 2014

snowstorm headache

When a task is so incomprehensible or difficult that you get very confused.

Getting a human on Mars and back will be a snowstorm headache for NASA.


"I got a snowstorm headache from that Math test last week."

by d_leet February 3, 2016

Chicago Snowstorm

When you spray your semen into a table fan (after masturbation) and it goes all over your body and face

Dude yesterday I just did aChicago snowstorm in my fucking room and it was godly how

by I literally just camed rn April 9, 2018

tokyo snowstorm

Japanese guys having a circle jerk.

Those guys are having a Tokyo snowstorm

by thedoucheofbeverlyhills January 20, 2014

Snowstorm heading eastbound

When someone named viktor, ejaculates with deadly force eastbound towards innocent bystanders.

The snowstorm heading eastbound oh god viktor

by sdwwgsdg January 13, 2023