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Mortal Enemies

The name two describe to people who obviรตusly aren't together. Nor were they even friends to begin with. Usually used to describe the relationship between two men, who are most likely two years apart and were in a band together.

Random PR Member: "They were never together. They were actually Mortal Enemies believe it or not."

Other PR Member: "Obviรตusly."
Person Who's Most Definitely 'Not' Louis Tomlinson: "Yeah..Yeah obviรตusly."

by obviouslymortalenemies May 25, 2021

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Enemy Gunner

This is the annoying, dumb, interrupting girl that tends to end conversations and fuck up your chances with the girl of your choice. You could be deep in a conversation or just kicking one off with the girl of your choice, and this ugly annoying girl comes and interrupts you, asking a question of the girl you're attempting to woo and distracting her from you, affectivly ending the conversation and leaving you pissed the fuck off. The worst part about them, is that they can carry on a conversation short enough to make it completely pointless and irrelevent, but long enough so that it would be awkward if you attempted to resume your original conversation. Often times they will physically talk across you, and louder then you, making it seem like they are trying to cockblock you on purpose. Usually guys have a Wingman (or Gunner) to take care of stupid shits like these, but if your flying solo at the time, your fucked.

Conversation Flying Solo-
You: Hey what did you do over the weekend?
Girl of your choice: Eh nothing really I went to a party what did yo---
Girl of your choice: Oh it was pretty fun. There were loads of people there and.... (end of your part of the conversation)

Conversation With A Wingman-
You:Hey what did you do over the weekend?
Girl of your choice: Eh nothing really I went to a party what did yo---
Your Wingman (Talking to enemy gunner): What did you do this weekend? (This distracts her long enough so you can carry on your conversation)
You talking to the girl: Same I just... (perfect conversation)

by Head Pilot November 2, 2007

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enemy mine

Nickname for professional basketball player Sam Cassell because he looks like the alien from the movie Enemy Mine. Sam Cassell is also known as Golem or Lord of the Rings. Also based upon his appearance.

"Enemy Mine shoots and he scores."

by actionlad March 2, 2008

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enemy turf

Your enemy's territory. Like in a war against two nations except these are more "local" within neighborhoods. Sort of like how gangs claim their terrirory. It's their "turf" and your enemy's territory would be tha "enemy turf".

"Enemy Turf to the.."

by INfaMousgUrL2002 August 1, 2004

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mortal enemy

a lifelong enemy, where your "enemyship" is so strong that over the years the two of you have become close friends in an awkward sort of way. The two of you of course would die rather than be seen smiling together in a photo on Facebook.

Chrissy is my mortal enemy...we hate each other's guts but we also know that it's not a great outcome if we fail that upcoming exam, so we'll just pretend to be nice for a little bit and then go back to our standard relationship when it's all done and dusted"

by jennyberry June 6, 2014

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enemy aliens

'Enemy aliens' usually refers to people such as prisoners of war that are from the opposing country in a war. It can also be used in a political sense.

"In WWII, Japanese enemy aliens were kept in containment camps mostly in the interior of British Columbia."
"During the Cold War, propaganda was used to prevent and/or keep down political enemy aliens.

by Nicholas A. June 5, 2007

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social enemy

1. a regect of society; an outcast
2. A rap group made up of ben richter (see "ben") and stephen thorn (see "stephen thorn").
Widely known to be the most influential rap bands of the twenty-first century. Together, they enlightened an entire generation.

John: Yo man Social Enemy is comin into town tonight, you guys need tickets.
Misc. group: Hell yeah man ive been tryin to scalp some all week! How much u sellin?
John: Eleventy billion dollars.
Misc. group: What a deal!

by ben March 11, 2005

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