Source Code

bella yeh

bella yeh is an extraordinary girl, she is a great friend and a very independent woman. everyone likes her and thinks she’s a cool. bella has beautiful dark brown hair and her outfits will never seem disappoint. hanging out with her is like having the most fun ever. it’s almost never allowed to dislike bella because she doesn’t deserve to be disliked for a person like her.

#1“Wait, you know bella yeh?”
#2“Yeah, she’s my best friend.”
#2“Yeah, I know.”

by chesterscandy April 11, 2022

Yeh aight

A phrase white supremacists use to identify themselves

Yeh aight man, let's go

by Craught November 20, 2021

Yeh corse

A way of responding to any dumbass comment without any struggle or stress, or it can be used as an agreement to something.
invented by River himself.

Alex- “how was your day?”
Me- “yeh corse

by RiverYehCorse September 17, 2021

yeh nah

A negative response to a statement. This answer first acknowledges that he/she understands what the other party is saying but ultimately he/she disagrees. Its a firm hard-no type of response delivered with a diplomatic spin.

It typically precedes some sort of follow up statement that might provide some perspective on why the answer is no, or it may simply be an insult.

"Yeh nah. You're an idiot."
"Yeh nah. Futurama was in no way better than the Simpsons."

by worldspawn January 16, 2023

yeh yeh yeh

phrase used by an MC runner to get the lush to be quiet and get down to business

You really like me don't you?

Yeh yeh yeh.

by cejackson October 29, 2007

what's in the bag yeh

When a brit boy comes out running and asks what's in your computer bag

oi bruv allow it, what's in the bag yeh

by hamadsaid October 8, 2019


Simply the best and one of a kinda. Rarest thing on the planet!

Yeh-umm-mmmmh is mine!

by My Baby Love June 14, 2022