Source Code

Inducement Laugh

The fake laugh that someone does to force the other one to laugh along with them. It usually comes immediately after the joke.

Bob sent Bobby into a frenzy when he hit an inducement laugh.

by WeUsedToPlayHouse April 2, 2023

Laughing emoji

Only extremely old wrinkly people use this emoji

If u are 20 and younger and u use this emoji u much be an old bitch undercover

*Says something funny*

*Types laughing emoji*🤣🤣🤣🤣- old person

by Randomnitchhhbb July 4, 2022

Potty Laugh

A pity laugh but for a joke that is so bad it makes you physically ill.

Sorry dude that joke was so bad you only got potty laughs last night, yeah not even pity but potty laughs.

by NiniNat313 May 22, 2014