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A big box with some electronics and malware also it can access the save haven for cringe twitter

Computer more like cumputer

by Holyholes September 10, 2021


The device you are currently using.

You are using a computer to search for the definition of a computer.

by somerandomperson132 January 12, 2023


something cool

shit! my computer is broken.

by LegendaryDragon January 22, 2018


A computer is the word used by children under ten to represent a laptop.

Kid: Hey wanna see what games I have on my computer?

Me: You mean laptop...

Kid: Yeah my computer!

by P0tat0ZZ April 10, 2018


a fucking machine with wires and shit people use it to watch porn and shit while in school aka hell.

dude 1: what do you do in hell

dude 2 watch porn and shit on my


dude 1: same

by azwsexrdcytugfvbkhjn April 14, 2022


a fucking machine with wires and shit people use it to watch porn and shit while in school aka hell.

dude 1: what do you do in hell

dude 2 watch porn and shit on my


dude 1: same

by azwsexrdcytugfvbkhjn April 14, 2022


A gadget made out of wires, and copper, for stalking and hunting people.

A horrible mistake and should be banished

''Hey! He's Watching Porn On his multiple Computer's!''

by Cock-Ball-Torture January 14, 2021