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Lane swapping-hip hop-beepboppin'

The actions of an aggressive driver, "ducking & dodging" in & out of traffic to get ahead.

That guy's gonna cause a crash. He's lane swapping-hip hop-beepboppin' in this rush hr traffic!

by Dr Dre' January 16, 2021

OD lane mana

When you feed to enemy team too much until their carry got fat, you gotta ask which lane OD is, to switch the blame so you can save your piece of shit ass

OD lane mana? Asal fat sangat (while dying 17 times)

by Awokawokawok August 26, 2023

lanee shuemaker

a girl who is super fucking fat and has fake eyebrows and always seems to wear see-through clothes to show off her boobies!

Ew! Look at that girl over there! What a Lanee Shuemaker.

by f(aggot) January 5, 2020