Source Code

Modified Dutch Oven

Similar to a standard Dutch Oven however you hock a loogie on the ceiling above the head of the person you are attempting to Dutch Oven. The person is then forced to choose. Option #1 let the loogie fall and hit them in the face or Option #2, pull the covers over their head and hold their breathe until the loogie falls, thus self inflicting the Dutch Oven.

Hey Jonny how did that Modified Dutch Oven Go last night? Great she went for option 2 and ran out of breathe. She ended up with both options.. It was EPIC>>

by vinnypo3 March 4, 2011

Baby Oven

A baby stove is a small stove that just came out of the oven. You usually call someone a baby oven if they are a newborn

Wow that is such a baby oven!

by Hello. November 13, 2018

Jack Oven

Young man born in Dunmore, PA. Son to Katherine and Paul, brother to Kathleen and Matt. Jack is a mischievous quirky and dashing young fellow. Anyone who has the honor to meet Jack Oven will be a lucky man for the rest of their lives.

Did somebody say Skibidi sigma Rizz in Ohio?

Yeah that was Jack Oven

by Price456 April 17, 2024

pizza oven wanker

Someone with far to much money from flying planes that has taken the art of cooking pizza far to seriously

Check out my new pizza oven

Shut up Greg you pizza oven wanker

by Pastaloverjames November 7, 2020

bakery oven

Like a Dutch Oven, but by stealth and possibly without the duvet over the head. You just catch a whiff, as though walking past a bakery.

The missus bakery oven'd me. I rolled over in bed and thought the septic tank had backed up.

by MC Waitrose Essentials December 29, 2021