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Done’s Law

An idea similar in concept to Murphy’s Law which states “Anything that can be taken out of context, will be taken out of context”

Guy #1: “I love Dick (1999)”
Guy #2: “lmao you love Dick
Guy #1: “I do, but I am also now a victim of Done’s Law

by Soulja Boy MD May 24, 2024

Done a Sully

adj. A Sully is the person in your social circle who club bouncers are magnetically drawn to. A Sully's illicit activity in a club will always be detected, usually embarrassingly quickly, and will result in their being ejected, with lots of tut-tutting and slow head-shaking.

adverb. 'Doing a Sully,' 'He did a Sully;' the person in question was thrown out of the venue, having been caught with a wrap, spliff, cigarette etc.

"Oh mate, I was in the club, I'd been in there ten mins, went to the bog, opened a wrap and was just getting into it when, boom boom boom, bouncer hammering on the door. Yeh, I got thrown out." "Oh, you done a Sully yeh? Wanker."

by Solomonic February 7, 2014

almost done-ism

1. Almost done-ism is when you realize you've binge-watched most of a new (or new to you) show you enjoy and voluntarily start decreasing the number of episodes you're watching in order to prolong the story (and remaining episodes) for as long as possible.
2. Almost done-ism is the opposite of binge watching.

At the beginning of the pandemic, I wanted to watch "Better Call Saul" since I hadn't yet seen it. After viewing four seasons in five days, almost done-ism kicked in and I forced myself from that point on to only watch one episode every four or five days.

by John R? October 5, 2020

Boom done

A phrase that acts as a solute to mean finished, completed, end of conversation, that’s it, and closing statement

“I just finished binge watching kuwtk…. Boom done!”
“I dumped his ass…. Boom done!”
“Peace…. Boom done!”

by mamawhoreo May 13, 2022

Done up

When a person had a good time wasted or simply not in agreement basically failed you or did sum bullshit

Me :Yo what’s good can I get my $20

Him: bra ion even got it on the set

Me : yo you done up bra smh You probably spent it on all those beers you was done up last night

by Osmar320 May 17, 2020

she done already had hers

When a bitch on the street don't want these hands

Girl she don't want it she done already had hers.

by Turtleneck95 March 14, 2017

Done dry

To be fucked or buggered without lubricant and by extension to be cheated out of something, given a raw deal.

He has done a lot of unpaid overtime this year, and hwas really done dry by his boss when he received his pay review.

by LaserWriter July 18, 2016