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Total Drama

A Netflix series of which originally aired in 2007 and the final episode on February 27, 2015, I think it was cancelled? Anyways the gigachad host, Chris MacLean, went to jail but got paroled and took a vacation to New York and is seen reading a newspaper in the last episode

Will _____? Will _______ __________? Find out next time on... Total...Drama... WoRlD tOuRrRrR (now THAT'S how you define Total Drama!)

by The REAL Mr. Clean August 20, 2023

Coffee Drama

The melee that ensues while everyone is trying to access the coffee and personalize their cup to their liking. Also when the grounds end up in the pot or coffee overflows onto the counter. or the disgust one feels the the pot is empty and they did not get a cup.

Mega coffee drama this morning, we were out of creamer and I had to wait for the second pot.

by c2l2 September 4, 2022

Drama Closet

The place for the a quicky for the drama geeks and weirdos of college

"Where is Jane?"
"In the Drama Closet with Mr Johnson..."

Awkward silence

Drama Closet

by HarryTheBongSmoker April 9, 2013

created drama

When a person with that has no work ethic or skill takes the attention off the real situation creates a delusional situation to get out of real work.

Soon as its time to clean, that stupid bitch created drama.

by wunderer68 December 27, 2010

1👍 2👎

Drop all drama December

For one month, all girls have to drop all of their drama.

Omg?!!! She passes drop all drama December?! That’s a first

by peepeepoopoo man November 9, 2019

Drama Virus

1. Someone so dramatic, they leave the feeling of drama in the room when they storm out; they make most people in the room either stressful or dramatic, like a disease.
2. The drama disease itself mentioned in definition 1.

1. That ratchett is such a drama virus!
2. I'd tell you, but it would spread the drama virus.

by fab_william1729 January 4, 2017