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Usually a very smol dick around 3 cm but he is still a lady magnet and fucks your mom

guy 1: Who is that guy with that smol dick?
guy 2: He must be an Carl-Emil

by Giant penis guy February 28, 2022


Carl-Emil is a rare creature, usually found in the amazon forest. It tends to have very big ears, but also a incredibly large penis. If you go 10 or less meters close to him, he WILL attempt to rizz you up, so be careful. The Carl-Emil is mostly famous for the ass cheese incident in 1945. He was also used as a sex bot in ww2. A Carl-Emil can cost up to 100000 dollars.

Explorer: Wow, I wonder what that creature is. Im gonna go closer to it
Carl-Emil: Wassup girl. Are you asian? Cuz im china get into japanties ;)
Explorer: *takes off clothes*

by scared ass cheese looking nigg April 24, 2023


sexy motherfucker

oh he's so Carl-Emil AKA oh he's so sexy



A person who does the Slovakian Traffic Cone all the time with his mother and brother

Oh my god, this dude is such a Carl-Emil. He does all weird sorts of sexual acts all the time

by knejt123 April 26, 2017


In short a fella people look up aspire and wish they were like. chuckleW
Usualy found caving some geezers head in, or nobbing the fitest bird in town while her pal begs to get a portion.
Minted and well dressed a 4768 CARLING represents the pinacle of ladish cool.

Dont look at that geezer over there hes a right 4768 CARLING.
Youll never pull her ud have to be a 4768 CARLING.

by Anonymous August 22, 2003