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Vampire Kiss

It's like a French kiss, but where the sun don't shine.

When he said he wanted to give me a vampire kiss, I expected fangs, instead I got my asshole cleaned out.

by RedneckViking September 28, 2021

The Vampire To My Unicorn

an amazing person, the best boyfriend in the world; very commonly perfect in every way; occasionally depressed, but never holds a grudge against his girlfriend

"On the card, I told my boyfriend he was the vampire to my unicorn."

by KellyLovesIcedTea January 17, 2009

Vampire Milk

Milk that has been mixed in with a woman’s blood clot from her period cycle. Preferably made with milk from the same source the clot came from.

Mollie, that clot you have going on is HUGE. you should make vampire milk with it.”

by vansareoverrated September 2, 2020

Vampire tea

An used tampon that, when put into boiling water, makes it bloody, terefore making it good source of food for vampires

A: You really prefer vampires over werewolfs? Are you insane? Werewolfs are fluffy, soft and hot and don't need to harm you to survive.

B: But vampires are handsome.

A: They are gross! Havn't you hear of vampire tea?!?!?!

by Opso Opos April 26, 2021

Vampire GOD

the leader of the Vampire guild its a secret society that come out at night time to mingle with the people the society is so secret that noone every sees them around the leader of the vampres guild has never been seen around


by 201HH April 9, 2024

Spunk Vampire

A term used to describe a woman who's a bit of a slag and rather fond of man juice.

She's a dirty Spunk Vampire.

by King Monkey UK August 13, 2008

Power with a feeling of Virtual Vampire Chick

The boy looks at picture of a sexy vampire chick with her boobs out and having his imagination and stroking himself while he feels the stimulation in is penis. As soon as he Ejaculates, he has finished feeling the power of the sexy Vampire Chick.

Masturbating Pictures of a Hot Vampire Chick with at least a pair of her boobs out with no shame in her. Power with a feeling of Virtual Vampire Chick

by LonelyVampire July 10, 2019