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Did you do the shoe?

A question one asks when they are need in of homework for shoemaker's class.

Yo Jer, did you do the shoe? I didn't have my book last night

by Connor W. January 9, 2008

its my do you have

its my do you have is an ancient religion that has been hidden from the public eye for too long. we are bringing it back. on the count of 3, everyone say ITS MY DO YOU HAVE

*parachute guy

its my do you have

by books made of October 7, 2021

do you charumba?

do you get high?

I've got some diesel. Do you charumba?

by Smoke weed March 9, 2014

how do you dress yourself in the morning

rhetorical question designed to highlight the subject's idiocy, to the point that it's a marvel they are able to even do basic things like dress themselves

person 1: doesn't chocolate milk come from brown cows?

person 2: how do you dress yourself in the morning?

by personman334 September 12, 2023

do you know da wae

A normiefied meme, if you use it after january 2k18 you big gay and a retard

retarded normie: do you know da wae
you: jump of a bridge you fucking normie go kys, this would be a beter place without you.

by NoRmIeFiEd March 8, 2018

Do you know what?

Legend has it he still does not know what

I don't know why they wont let me change the plan. *long pause* Do you know what?

by TheBritishJack June 1, 2024