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Sporting Pine

Having an erection in public.

"Oh my god! Look at Joe. He is walking around sporting pine"!

by gdub1956 November 2, 2016

sports hypebeast

Someone who likes a sport team then claims that that the like another team because they are better than the original team they were rooting for.

Jack:(1996) I like the bulls I will always like the bulls

Jack:(2017) I like the warriors because they beat the bulls I am a sports hypebeast

by Saucey Rami October 29, 2017

forum sport

The competitive act of forum posting between; trolls, grammar police, high horse riders, judge-mentals, super serious sams, casual posters and knowitalls. Each character has their strengths and weaknesses like WoW. Trolls will go after the sss and knowitalls while casual posters will sometimes use a suprise out troll a troll maneuver while high horse riders will try to referee all of them. Judge-mentals and grammar police will chime in from time to time w/o much to add. Winning is determine on what happens to the thread: if its closed trolls won ,if it gets ignored knowitall and sss win, if somehow a troll gets banned and/or censored casual posters scored an upset.

You down for some forum sport? Nah bro I'm still sore from that other night.

by KremeofKorn March 16, 2017

sports traitor

An athlete that uses the resources of one country for most of their life and then represents a different country at the Olympics specifically because of anticipated future financial gain

Eileen Gu and Naomi Osaka are sports traitors because they were both raised and trained in the US then represented other countries in the Olympics.

by Commercial-Skirt-683 February 17, 2022