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vampire brat

Unfortunate brainwashed child victim of a Vampire Mother. The only cure for which is masculine wisdom from a father.

“That Vampire Mother is turning those kids into Vampire Brats.”

by Fact Based Person February 2, 2018

Solid Vampire

The act of drilling a hole in the chest of a sexual partner and then inserting your penis in said hole.

My sex life used to bite until I discovered the solid vampire.

by da real pair June 20, 2020

dairy vampire

Either some form of roommate or house guest who comes in and drains all of the milk from your fridge.

May come in the form of the extremely polite "gentleman vampire" who replaces your milk in abundance compared to what they drank, or the "Nosferatu" type that fiends upon all dairy in the house while leaving no consideration for others in it's path.

"I just bought that milk today! I can't believe that you already drank it all you freaking dairy vampire!"

by Haunter_Rayne January 23, 2021

Creativity vampire

Somebody who is not creative by themselves but gets more creative when they are working with a partner even if the partner doesn’t do that much except pitch ideas

Could you help me with a book I’m writing I’m a total creativity vampire

by Mr.braindead February 10, 2023

Anime Vampire

n. Is a kool kid with Astonishing super powers of darkness that can stun all at the drop of an eye.
* And also kool kid can shape-shift into horrific characters that dazzle the imagination.

Anime Vampire dark coven T1 blood vampire emo moonlight

by Cupcake GI Jane September 30, 2011

Sight Vampire

When someone see blood they get excited and happy. They would self harm just to see that. Maybe kill animals or kill someone. It's too dangerous so they just self harm or ask other Sight Vampires. But to make it shorter just say S.Vamp

"Is it bad if I am a Sight Vampire?"

by BloodCutie~<3 August 2, 2017

Knowledge Vampire

Someone who is great is extracting information out of others. There are two kinds of KVs -- i) who keeps the knoweldge to themselves and ii) who shares the acquired knowledge.

KVs that keeps the knowledge to themselves are harmful to the society.. They collect knowledge for selfish reasons and use it against the person they acquired the knowledge from. It's important to identify them and seal them in their coffins.

KVs that shares the knowledge with others are good. They are like robinhood but the knowledge. They acquire and release the knowledge for the betterment of the society. It's important to identify them and promote them to free more knowledge to the world

This podcaster is such a knowledge vampire. He knows how to suck the knowledge from the guests.

by chinmaydoteth August 8, 2024