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Comrade Red

Also known as Commander Red. The original commander and creator of the Red Ribbon Army, he is very short. He is thought to have wanted to Dragon Balls to wish for world domination, but what he really wanted was to be taller. He hated to be around people taller than him and was always bullied when he was a kid. When Black found out about his goal, he killed him and took control of the army.

Gero: I am still developing the new weapons you requested Comrade Red.

Comrade Red: Excellent! (rubs hands and grins)

by Shadyshadowmoon March 28, 2019

Comrad Corbyn

The staff member with the greatest logical brain, as he made the best choice when selecting a helper.

Harry: 'Fuck me, Comrad Corbyn is so smart and amazing.'
Harry 2: 'He must be, he chose Inster as his helper! What a genius!'

by NumberTwoWithExtraCheese June 13, 2019

Comrade Donnie

A title for someone that does not understand basic Constitutional rights or freedoms.

A would-be dictator that embraces facist behavior.

Man #1: "Lordy, that guy is cold. No heart. No feeling. He acts like Putin".
Man #2: "So true. He is a regular Comrade Donnie".

by Captain Breed June 27, 2018

sex comrade

a gender-neutral way of referring to your romantic partner

Hello, I'd like you to meet Bean. They're my sex comrade.

by davethewriter March 18, 2023

comrade memes

These are a set of top tier memes from the Nigerian twitter space.

Comrade, no be so oh!
Comrade pass comrade
These comrade memes are really funny

by winonadee November 30, 2021

Comrade Doggo


Comrade Doggo: /rank

by Comrade Doggo#2893 October 15, 2020