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When a company/brand does something to make itself look bad, thereby soiling its image. So named for the popular 80's band Devo, or de-evolution.

"That companies association with Wal-Mart caused some serious brand-devo."

by toandfro November 12, 2007

Devoe Dump

When you fart out all the cum in your ass

Allen piped so bad earlier now i gotta take a devoe dump

by Deudf February 12, 2021


The definition for Kelsey leann devoe is when your on top of the world because just everything around you is perfect and blissful nothing in the world can make you feel as good as your feeling when Kelsey leann devoe is with you she just makes your world go around I mean the next level of happy would be going through heavens gates that's the only thing that can come close to Kelsey leann devoes love folds.

Wow you see the way that dude smilin he about that Kelsey leann devoe,lucky dude for real

by Nacixem taf April 1, 2023