Source Code

Random Act of Gayness

When someone (usually a man), who is usually straight but has a moment when they act totally gay. Examples include grinding with no chicks around, any Justin Bieber impression, or other gay movements, statements, or voices.

Bob: "Ya and he decided to try out his Justin Beiber voice at the party"

Jill: "OMG! Thats another Random Act of Gayness!"

by KCRoyals15 November 16, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Marvin Gaye weed

Weed that's so strong that, after one hit, you're like "what's goin' on?"

Damn, this shit is some Marvin Gaye weed. Have you ever seen a snow-covered mountain during the sunset on a crystal-clear winter's day, all golden and fiery in the last dying rays of the sun, and noticed how even the shadows glowed with all of the purple and indigo notes of the evening sky?

by the birds and trees October 1, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scale O' Gayness

The scale for defining the amount of gayness in a male, as defined by Michael R. Holt in early 2007. The female equivalent has never been officially made, although it is no doubt similar in many ways. The initial reason for the creation of the scale, in Michael's own words, was that "Not everything sexual can be defined as simply 'gay' or 'not gay' - it's far more complex than that."

The scale ranges from 1 (completely straight) to 10 (completely gay), with bisexual ranging from 5-6, depending on preference. Michael often notes that full 1's and 10's are particularly rare.

The numbers are as follows:
1 - Completely straight: only ever enjoyed porn with just singular women in it, or lesbians. If you've ever seen a man naked while erect, you are immediately bumped up to a...

2 - Mostly straight: has enjoyed porn with naked men in it , even though the main focus of the viewer was on the woman in the porn

(2.5 - Pretty straight: has enjoyed porn with mostly-female hermaphrodites in it)

3 - Moderately straight: has enjoyed porn with mostly-female transexuals (people born men, but surgically and often hormonally altered to resemble women) in it

4 - Slightly straight: has enjoyed porn with mostly-convincing transvestites (men who only dress like women, but have not had surgery or hormones to resemble them) in it

truncated for length

Dude, you remember that hot chick I was making out with last night? Once I took her home, I found out she had a c**k! I didn't really mind, though - I think I may've moved up to a 3 on the Scale O' Gayness, bro.

by English Master MRH September 23, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hank Marvin Gaye

A very hungry homosexual

Chad: Damn! I'm hank Marvin Gaye!!
Holly: But you're straight?
Chad: Not anymore.

by Jabba The Hutton March 21, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

gayness per se

violations of heterosexual law

For a valid gayness per se claim, the plaintiff must show:

1) the potentially gay actor committed a homosexual act,
2) the act is one that is commonly associated with gayness, and
3) the act involves another man

Footnote: intent is irrelevant under gayness per se analysis; therefore, unintentional or accidental acts of gayness will rise to the level of full-blown gay under gayness per se

Jeffrey, under the false assumption that gayness must be intended, did not think he was gay after accidentally bumping into a naked old man in the locker room. Jeffrey is guilty of gayness per se.

Mari thought that Shawn was a man, but in reality Shawn was a grotesque and hideous looking woman in disguise. Mari is guilty of gayness per se.

by Franky Bananas February 3, 2009

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Gay Thing of Gayness

See Justin Beiber

You gay thing of gayness! Stop trying to touch my balls!

by Yajirobe June 24, 2010

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Spinal gayness

The act of when one he/she supresses there gayness strongly for many years. And eventually manifests itself into a green substance the spinal column. This usuallu causes flash backs of gayness and hunching over while walking

Aaron Hess is so in denile of his gayness. he has gayness of the spine

by Pinto joe pa February 3, 2003

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